This week, the Internet Monitor takes a look at censorship on Weibo during the 28th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests, a “day of action” by major U.S. websites for net neutrality, Ethiopia’s recent Internet blackout, and Theresa May’s proposed social media backdoor for the U.K. police.
This week, the Internet Monitor gets the 4-1-1 on the scope of Internet shutdowns in India and around the world, discusses the future of free speech on the Internet, covers the UK’s digital counterterrorism strategy, and recommends investing in a VPN.
This week, the Internet Monitor learns about the State of the Internet from Akamai, the use of machine learning in Alphabet’s Project Loon, the AT&T and China Mobile deal, the rollback of privacy rules in the FCC, and the arrival of 5G in 2020.
This week, the Internet Monitor reports on Google’s Internet Deal with Cuba, the Internet Sales Tax in Colorado, archiving the Internet in Canada, Canada’s declaration of Internet as a basic service, and Thailand’s amendments to the Computer Crime Act (CCA).
This week, the Internet Monitor discusses the denial of access to LinkedIn in Russia, the cautious expansion of Facebook’s Free Basics, the threat of communication applications to Internet freedom, and the potential launch of a fleet of SpaceX internet satellites.
Governments block the internet for a variety reasons, but often it is done to diminish political upheaval. Learn about how internet blackouts have a number of unintended consequences that ultimately hurt a country.
While most Iraqi internet users often suffer from a combination of lack of access and government censorship, the Kurds in the autonomous Kurdish region in Northern Iraq often fare far better. Why is the parity in internet access so great between the two regions?
This week Internet Monitor explores the most recent updates on net neutrality in the US, how Singaporean government computers are going offline, the removal of pro-Palestinian content on Facebook and Twitter, and how Russian hackers are trying to learn more about Donald Trump.
This week, Internet Monitor looks at the state of government-run surveillance efforts in France, the USA, and Paraguay; recent social media bans in Nauru; and a recent UN report on encryption and anonymity.