This week, Internet Monitor examines how the Russian government could be involved with the DNC email hack, the censorship of Facebook users posting pro-Kashmiri content, a new fine for using a VPN in the UAE, and Pakistan's new cybercrime bill.
This week, read about how Indian officials are blaming Facebook for a woman's suicide, how the Chinese government is trying to quiet the intensity of floods, the explosion of Pokemon Go, and much more!
This week Internet Monitor delves deeper into the implications of the Brexit, a nude photo scandal in Trinidad and Tobago, the UN's first resolution about Internet blackouts, the ways Turkey blocked social media in the wake of the attack on Ataturk Airport, and a new cyber law in China.
This week Internet Monitor probes the latest updates in Internet policy, jurisprudence, and practice in Australia, Canada, Turkey, the United States, and elsewhere!
This week Internet Monitor provides a comprehensive review of Hacking Team's latest woes in Italy, concerns over the Pakistani Prevention of Electronic Crimes Bill, Twitter's controversial new hire in China, and recent amendments to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice's Offender Orientation Handbook.
This week Internet Monitor checks out a blimp that floated over Tel Aviv, trolling in the comments, U.S.-China relations (and by extension, the touchy subject of Internet filtering), and the case of Lauri Love.
There's a lot on our docket! This week Internet Monitor reviews China's latest predictive policing software, Google's ongoing policy changes in the European Union, Twitter's latest transparency report (featuring an increasingly restrictive Russia), the South Korean Go player defeated by a Google AI machine, and a statement made by the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights about the FBI/Apple standoff.
This week, Internet Monitor reviews the (brief) return of Facebook to China, Wael Ghonim's case in the Egyptian courts, Facebook's evolving "Safety Check" feature, Turkey's Reddit woes, and the arrival of a new emoji for Diwali.
Internet Monitor, a project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, is delighted to announce the publication of "Beyond the Wall: Mapping Twitter in China," the seventh in a series of special reports that focus on key events and new developments in Internet freedom.