Country Profiles

A profile is not yet available for this country, but we continue to add new profiles to the site, so please visit again soon! In the meantime, you may be interested in exploring our blog, which contains news and analysis on current events around the world, and our research publications. We also encourage you to visit the pages for the following countries, for which profiles are available:

We also recommend exploring the reports generated by a number of other organizations working in this space, including:

  • The OpenNet Initiative's country profiles, which a synopsis of the findings and conclusions of the OpenNet Initiative's research into the factors influencing specific countries’ decisions to filter or abstain from filtering the Internet, as well as the impact, relevance, and efficacy of technical filtering in a broader context of Internet censorship. Country profiles are available for 61 countries.
  • The Open Society Foundations' Mapping Digital Media reports, a collection of 73 publications examining the impact of the Internet on journalism, democracy, and freedom of expression in 56 countries.
  • The Web Index, which measures the Web’s growth, utility and impact on people and nations. The index covers 81 countries, incorporating indicators that assess the areas of universal access, freedom and openness, relevant content, and empowerment.
  • The World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report 2013, which includes the Network Readiness Index (measuring the current state of ICT readiness in the world) and covers 144 countries and territories.
  • Freedom House's Freedom on the Net report, which explores relevant laws and practices, website accessibility, and other issues related in Internet freedom in 60 countries.
  • Reporters Without Borders' Enemies of the Internet report, which in 2013 focused specifically on surveillance.