Internet Monitor 2013: Reflections on the Digital World

December 2013
Multiple authors

Internet Monitor 2013Internet Monitor 2013: Reflections on the Digital World, the Internet Monitor’s first-ever annual report, is a collection of essays from roughly two dozen experts around the globe, including Bruce Schneier, Ashkan Soltani, Ron Deibert, Molly Sauter, Zeynep Tufekci, and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, among others. Intended for a general interest audience, the report highlights some of the most fascinating developments and debates in the digitally networked environment over the past year. A common thread explores how actors within government, industry, and civil society are wrestling with the changing power dynamics of the digital realm.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction, Robert Faris and Rebekah Heacock
    1. Power in Age of the Feudal Internet, Bruce Schneier
    2. Three Generations of the Networked Public Sphere, John Kelly
    3. Youth Online: Diversifying Social Media Platforms and Practices, Sandra Cortesi
  2. Governments as Actors, Robert Faris and Urs Gasser
    1. Cloud Computing and the Roles of Governments, David R. O’Brien and Urs Gasser
    2. Policing Social Media in China, Robert Faris
    3. After Snowden: Toward a Global Data Privacy Standard?, Wolfgang Schulz
    4. Just in Time Censorship: Targeted Internet Filtering During Iran’s 2013 Elections, Ryan Budish and Priya Kumar
    5. China Moves to the Cloud, Mark Wu
    6. Data Privacy Reform in the European Union, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
    7. The Information Technology Act and Intermediary Liability in India, Christopher T. Bavitz and Bryan Han
    8. India’s Identity Crisis, Malavika Jayaram
    9. Marco Civil: A Bill Regulating Net Neutrality and Civil Rights Online in Brazil, Ronaldo Lemos
  3. Companies as Actors, Robert Faris and Urs Gasser
    1. Dilemmas and Dialogue: GNI and the Transborder Internet, Colin M. Maclay
    2. Transparency Reporting, Ryan Budish
    3. The New Guard, Dalia Topelson
    4. The Commercialization of Censorship and Surveillance, Ron Deibert and Masashi Crete-Nishihata
  4. Citizens as Actors, Bruce Etling
    1. “I was wrong about this Internet thing”: Social Media and the Gezi Park Protests, Zeynep Tufekci
    2. The Role of Citizens in Gathering, Publishing, and Consuming Primary Source News Content, Jeff Hermes and Andy Sellars
    3. The Defeat of SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA: The Networked Public Sphere Comes of Age, Bruce Etling
    4. The Future of Civil Disobedience, Molly Sauter
    5. Antagonism Uploaded: Website Defacements During the Arab Spring, Helmi Noman
    6. The Privacy Puzzle: Little or No Choice, Ashkan Soltani
    7. Flying Past Filters and Firewalls: Pigeons as Circumvention Tools?, Rex Troumbley
  5. Looking Ahead, Robert Faris and Rebekah Heacock